Health Benefits of Organic Pasture Raised Meat
There are many health benefits to choosing organic pasture raised meat.
Cows and Sheep naturally graze on grass outdoors in fields. This is the image most of us have of farms, and what we are lead to believe is still normal practice.
Pigs and Chickens are omnivorous, and should be allowed to roam free and eat whatever they desire. From apples and acorns, to insects and even mice and small reptiles!
Unfortunately, the majority of meat now available in the supermarkets is from intensively raised meat. Animals are fattened indoors in what are termed “Controlled Animal Feeding Operations” or CAFOs.
These CAFOs are not only inhumane, and terrible for the environment, but the meat produced is a far inferior product. Not just in terms of flavour, but also nutrition.

Nutritionally Superior, Healthier Meat
Fattening animals on grain produces meat that is lower in vitamins and minerals, and lower in omega 3 essential fatty acids and CLA. Instead, they are higher in the highly inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids.
The unsanitary conditions also mean disease is rife leading to widespread antibiotic use to keep the animals alive. This can make it into the meat, or worse yet lead to the breeding of anti-biotic resistant super-bugs.
Organic Pasture Raised Meat is much higher in vitamins A,D,E and K, omega 3 fatty acids, and is a valuable source of CLA.
The higher welfare and hygiene practices mean that the animals stay healthy without antibiotics, as the animals are naturally free from disease.
All of these factors make for considerable health benefits when choosing organic pasture raised meat.
Choose Organic Grass-Fed British Meat from Green Pasture Farm. You will not only taste the difference, you will feel it!